While I would love to finish my retroblog, I thought I would take a few minutes to update the blog on what is happening now, and to announce a hiatus.
What's happening now is that it's winter and the weather sucks. It's cold enough to freeze the booty off a baboon. Cold enough that the highs are routinely in the single digits and that Ads has gone to school about four times this month at her twice-a-week preschool. The crazy part is that it is also snowing a ton, and they don't cancel school for snow around here, only for intense, Yukon-territory- like cold. Look, people might as well homeschool if they called off school for snow around here. HOWEVER...this means that the days that Addie does have school feature me driving my minivan in an impromptu filming of Ice Road Truckers and watching as cars skid helplessly into the median or friendly roadside ditches. While on the days that school is canceled, the roads and skies are crystal clear and it's perfectly safe to drive around...because everyone knows that snow and cloud cover actually make it warmer. It's completely bizarre and the only sensible option is to leave, which is why the elderly and/or affluent do so on a regular basis.
Winter also brings with it winter ailments, and yes, we are experiencing all that joy and wonder as well. Just this week Graydon had an ear infection, strep throat, and the beginnings of pneumonia. At the same time. He's fine now, thank the good Lord, but I am hoping and praying for a warm placement in the Air Force so that his scarred lungs can continue to heal. A warmer winter would do wonders for him and for my nerves. I watch him like a hawk every time he has the sniffles because I know how quickly it can turn into a big problem. Breathing is one of those things you don't like to trifle with, you know?
Apart from that, we are getting the house ready to show and hopefully sell. So all the time that I would normally spend cleaning, cooking, reading, blogging, and generally enjoying is now spent trying to decide which pieces of obnoxious plastic should continue to live with our family and which should be inflicted upon the poor via Goodwill. Or sorting through four years of back issues of orthopedic journals, presentations, research, and the protocols for every surgical procedure known to ortho, which is an occupational hazard of Tim's. Or packing yet another box of books, which is an occupational hazard of mine. It's always how the process goes, and I don't actually mind it. It's cleansing, both literally and mentally, to de-clutter life and I don't have high levels of stress about the house selling...yet. Though I'm sure it will come.
But it means that I am not going to blog until the house hits the market on February 24th...not because I don't want to, but I just know it isn't realistic. So this is a little heads up to my friends and family. We are still here, we are still living, and we are still mostly happy with life, although I am slightly depressed that I talk to the guys at UHaul more than my best friends these days. But this, too, shall pass and we shall resume our regularly scheduled lives in a few weeks. And then we'll have a baby! And then we'll move! And both of those processes are sure to leave me with ample free time to ponder life, take pictures, and blog. Right? :-)