Sunday, August 3, 2014

Pebble Post

*My entire last year of blogging was filled with lots of posts about not blogging. And that's understandable, given what was happening at the time, but I'd like to post more this year, without always feeling like I need to give a narrative structure to the post. I'm going to call these posts "Pebbles" because ultimately all mountains are made of lots of small rocks. I actually just made that up and have no idea if is factually true, but if feels poetically true, so there it shall stay.

We missed the shuttle the other day and that was bad. There is a small bus that goes around the base and stops at the most important places, including the temporary living facilities where we are staying at the moment. It usually comes by every half hour or so, but this was the last shuttle of the day. And we missed it. So we had to walk home with our three exhausted children and bags and it was a few miles and it was hot. We were streaming sweat and berating ourselves and feeling generally cross and inconvenienced.

But it was also evening and the sun was setting and as we walked around and across the airfield, we stopped for a moment of rest and noticed that the sun was piercing through the clouds in a series of long shafts of light that colored the sky gold and rose and pearl. Clouds were breaking like waves over the mountains that cradle the base like an egg in a nest and lo and behold, we could see Mt. Fuji in the distance, massive and majestic and unmistakable.

We missed the shuttle and that was actually quite good.

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