Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Where We Are: Graydon at 5 months

This blog serves a few purposes...random catch-all for my musings, easy way to keep the family posted, and of course, virtual baby book. But it's a poor baby book that doesn't record any milestones, so I guess I'd better get cracking on that.

I'll switch it up a bit and tackle Graydon first. Tomorrow little GrayJay is five months old and I am so smitten. This little man is pure sweetness. I would say his two most defining characteristics are his easygoing nature and his chubbiness. He is huge and happy.

At his four month appointment, Graydon was in the 95th percentile for weight and the 83rd for length. And only 62nd for head circumference, thank you very much! (Addie was always >99 percentile). He can still be forcibly stuffed into his six month clothes but is much happier in 6-9 month sizes and is happiest of all in 9 month clothes. And he is starting to wear his 12 month clothes already!

We also gave the little man his first haircut a few weeks ago. He still had a lot of very dark baby hair left over from his infant days, but it was a little bit out of control. By which I mean he looked like an 80s hair band cover artist much of the time. So we buzzed him and now he looks even more like his Dad with his short thick toast colored hair that sticks up in a little tuft right smack in the middle of his head.
Pre haircut

Graydon is a very "easy" baby in a lot of ways. He very rarely cries...he mostly just grunts with increasing irritation and volume until he gets what he needs. He is so easy that when he IS irritable, I feel totally bewildered and have no idea what to do...."he's crying..omg...WHAT IS GOING ON????" He has been teething for about half of his life (not joking) but only this week has his first pesky tooth finally popped through. He likes to suck on his lower lip constantly, probably because he's literally always teething. He has another four or five teeth lined up and pushing through.

The lip suck in action. "Who, me?"

Graydon rolls with great facility from his back to his tummy but can't quite figure out how to flip back over once he is on his tummy. This always occasions a lot of loud grunting which is the equivalent of most babies' hysterical screams of panic.

He has also started on rice cereal and looooooves it. Seriously. He grabs the spoon in his greedy little fists and gnaws on it like it is going out of style. He is a big eater.

Note the cereal everywhere!

Such a sweet little man

Sometimes he gets a little overzealous

Nom nom nom

He also likes beer. See video #1 below (No, we don't allow him to drink it! But I'm pretty sure we have a third generation home brewer on our hands!)

And did I mention that he's happy? He makes us laugh constantly because he just loves life so much. His favorite things are Mama/milk (naturally), his Dad (he adores Tim, his face just lights up when he sees him), and Addie (if he could follow Addie around, he would do it). The second video is Graydon laughing with delight because Tim is home from work.

He also likes his bouncer, his play gym, and his bath. I posted a video of him going crazy in his bouncer. He's figured out how to really rock and roll in that thing!

He doesn't like getting his clothes changed and his car seat. And that's really about it. Easy peasy and delightful, that's our G man!

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