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Sometimes the object in question might be another child |
But I love it because he loves it. Grady is so obviously delighted to be on the move. He's got a really fierce and intense army crawl down pat and he is already pulling up on everything with ease and attempting his first wavering free standing moments. He is also sporting his first bruises as he faceplants into various hard objects when he gets a little too ambitious.
Various hard objects include other skulls. |
That didn't end well for anyone. |
Addie crawled at 8 months and 10 days. Grady? 8 months and 8 days. I might have passed the word onto him just to see how he'd respond to a challenge. I don't look at it as promoting sibling rivalry...I'd like to think I'm encouraging G to achieve ;-)
As he has become more active, Graydon has definitely slimmed down, much as his sister did. He is still a big boy, of course. He wears size 12 month and 12 to 18 month clothes, but he looks a lot less like a sausage stuffed into a too small casing.
Rollin' down the street, eatin' cheerios, sippin on my juice box. With my mind on my Mommy and my Mommy on my mind. |
His recent leveling of the growth curve is definitely due only to activity because G man is still pounding down the food. He can still be persuaded to eat baby food every now and again but he really prefers the texture of "real" food at this point. He has six (!) teeth now, four on top and two on the bottom, so he can mostly keep pace with what he wants to eat. His favorite foods include Saltines, Cheerios, yogurt, chocolate chip cookies, macaroni and cheese, french fries.
He still nurses somewhere between 5 and 6 times in a 24 hour period, but his nursing sessions are mostly very brief. He can't be bothered to sit still long enough to drink much and he is constantly popping up to investigate any new noise or sight. I doubt he will nurse as long as Addie did, which is fine with me.
(Sidenote: I figured out that out of the last 33 months of my life, I nursed for 28 of them. Holy mother of lactation, I am due for another break!)
Unimpressed Graydon is unimpressed |
As he gets older and ever more interactive, Graydon is starting to enjoy reading and watching "movies". His favorite books are Feely Bugs by David Carter (a gift from my Mom), When My Baby Dreams (a gift from honorary great uncle Rick), and In My Den (a gift from honorary great aunt Edith). The first and the third books are tactile experience books and I believe he likes the second one because he likes looking at other babies.
His favorite "movies" are Baby MacDonald and Baby Neptune. Addie still loves these too, fortunately, so every couple of days I can pop Graydon in his bouncer and steal 23 minutes to take a shower or cook something while one of these is on.
(Another sidenote: Yes, I let my 9 month old watch TV. What can I say? I have no family closer than 1.5 hours away, my husband works 80 hours a week (not an hour more! it's illegal! that would never ever happen! honestly! no, really, it's the "truth"!), and the TV is my babysitter at times. I guess if Ads and G become total stoners that enjoy adult coloring books and stale Cheetos, we'll know it was the Baby Einstein DVDs.)
Too late! He is already chewing hemp! |
(Yet another sidenote:There are our parenting styles in a nutshell. Graydon now cries with Tim but doesn't struggle whereas he continues to struggle with me when he can tear his mind away from the mesmerizing Jedi mind tool that is "Itsy Bitsy". His is the better long term strategy and mine is the better short term, in my opinion. I guess this is why we parent in twos, right? You hope that your pros and your cons overlap enough to create a decent or perhaps excellent human.)
He also enjoys decorative gourds. "It's decorative gourd season, mother..." Well, I'm just going to go with "mothers". This is a family blog. |
Getting all Simon Cowell with his large pumpkin choice. |
Other interests include power tools and napkin rings. Making a fall centerpiece is not for the faint of heart. |
Speaking of Jedi mind tools, I would like to Obi Wan Kenobi Graydon's sleep schedule. How awesome would that be? I could just wave my hand in his general direction and say "You will sleep now for 12 hours without stirring." And it would happen.
The sleep thing is actually a lot better, even without the Force. He is now sleeping a good 4 to 5 hour stretch at night and could probably make it through a whole night if I would insist upon it. I don't insist and so he continues to nurse twice after his bedtime, once around 11 or 12 and again between 2 and 6. He generally wakes up for the day between 6:30 AM and 7:30 AM. G is still taking two naps a day and he goes down really nicely for those and for bedtime. I have managed to successfully wean him from nursing to sleep, which is a great development for everyone. It means I can leave him with a sitter or with family for longer than two to three hours. That's a big milestone!
And can I just say that we adore this kid? He is a total mess...already a big mischief maker and bidding fair to be as stubborn and fiery as his big sister...but we live for his snuggles and cuddles and dimpled grins.
We love you, G Man!
LOVE!! :)