*Sometimes I think I am getting Japan. Then stuff like this happens, where one is invited to enter a giant ass. And I'm all like "OK, yeah, I don't even know."
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Is this shit for real? |
*This entry is a huge pain to type, because Emilia broke our wireless mouse. Hence we are using our old mouse which has a broken left click button. Fortunately, you only need to use that button about 15 times per minute, so it's totally no big deal. (sarcasm alert) How did she do this, you ask? By thoughtfully jerking the wireless mouse receiver piece thing (actual technical term) out of the port and hiding it over and over again. To date, I have found this tiny tiny little piece (picture a dime) in a shoe, in a cup, in her mouth, and inside a dvd drive. It beggars belief, but somehow it got warped and now, broken wireless mouse is back in effect. I suggested an actual mouse with a cord, but Tim snorted "What is this, 2011?" in response, which I think means "better to get carpal tunnel from repeated clicking than to use something out of date".
*Every day at least one of my children is up before seven AM. In a desperate effort to get some time to myself (any time! any time at all!), I keep setting my alarm earlier and earlier. I am now getting up at or before 5:30 AM every day only to find that STILL at least one of my children is joining me before my first sip of coffee. I have room darkening shades in all their rooms. I run a fan outside in the stairway landing. I close their doors. I tiptoe. I don't flush the toilet (until they get up, at least). Next up: an operation to remove the tracking devices they left behind in my uterus. Normally they go to bed at 8 PM, but I have figured out that for every hour they stay up late, they will sleep a further five minutes in the morning and be impossible approximately four hours earlier than normal. I am no economics aficionado but I believe that is what they might call a bad deal.
Taken at approximately 5:37 AM. |
*Incidentally, the children are on summer break from youchien. I keep trying to explain the concept of vacation to them, but they cannot seem to differentiate their "normal life" from "vacation", which just proves that youth is, in fact, totally wasted on the young. If someone insisted to me that I sleep past seven, I would tell them they had me at "sleep". EXTREMELY SUBTLE HINT. I think this is what they call foreshadowing in literature, because I am almost sure that I will get an offer to sleep in this weekend. Hope springs eternal!
This is my dream. Just with none of these people in it. |
"Graydon, let's pretend we're eating lunch at school! Go get your color hat and picnic mat!" Obviously when one is on vacation, one should pretend to be back at youchien. |
*Speaking of vacation, we went on vacation last weekend to celebrate our "Japannniversary" (possibly spelled incorrectly, if it is possible to misspell a made up word). It deserves a long post of its own, but here is a little sneak peek.
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