Friday, October 21, 2011

Almost a Month...

...since my last post! Augh! Where has the time gone? I think about blogging a lot, and have decided that I need to invent a machine that will transcribe my thoughts directly from my brain onto a computer screen. That would save me a lot of time and also perhaps make me rich. I don't really want to be rich, but it would be awfully nice to be able to buy $5.00 smoothies every time I go grocery shopping without any feelings of guilt.

OK, ramblings aside, there are some good, some "meh", and some bad things keeping me from blogging. Good: we've had Tim home (slightly) more, and we've been busy with fun events during the week and weekend. "Meh" (which is the classic seinfeld indifferent noise) is that I'm getting used to my new job and when/how to work from home. I think anytime you add something to your routine, it takes a while to get back on track. So that's not good or bad, it's just how it goes. And "bad" is that I've some minor health issues that are no big deal by themselves but when combined are making me crave sleep the way that a pregnant woman craves chocolate. Incidentally, did you know that chocolate worsens heartburn? Yes, it does, my family and friends. Thus creating a cruel Greek-tragedy-type of dilemma for this particular pregnant woman.

The minor health issues are truly minor: allergies, wretched wretched "wake me up at night" heartburn, and the first (and last, fingers crossed) bad blood pressure day. The allergies are clearing up as the cold weather sets in, I got a new prescription for my heartburn which seems to be working (praise! joy! blessed relief!) and the blood pressure...well, I'll just keep watching that, it may or may not act up again. Either way, I'm not actually sick, I've just been seriously lacking energy. And as most of you know, my blogging is usually done pre 7:30 AM and pre Adelaide's wake up. Well, you'd have had better luck finding an 80 degree day in a Minnesota January than dragging my sleepy bulk from a bed before 7:30 these days. Fortunately, as I am starting to feel better, my energy is returning. At least until that whole "newborn" thing takes place :-)

And if you're wondering how I'm blogging now, it's because Addie is thoroughly engrossed in her "Oceans" DVD and I decided to blog instead of clean. She isn't usually allowed to watch videos until after her lunch, but you know.... it's Friday. And she loves "Oceans". She is really really into all nature documentaries and animals of all sorts. But she especially loves marine mammals and can identify and imitate dolphins, whales, orcas, seals, sharks, fish, and jellyfish.

A typical bath time conversation goes like this:

Addie (flipping over onto her tummy and splashing a lot): Mommy! Dolphin! EEE EEE EEE (squeaking)

Me: Oh, are you a dolphin?

Addie: Yes. Swimming. Splashing!

Me: Oh wow, what color are you?

Addie: Orange.

Speaking of funny conversations, here a few gems from the last couple of weeks.

Addie (putting sequined purse over her arm): Purse. Look. Purse. (showing Tim and I)

Me: Oh, what a pretty bag. Where are you going?

Addie: Shopping.

Tim: What are you shopping for?

Addie: Cookies

And another:

Me: Addie, where is our baby?

Addie: (pats my stomach)

Me: Do you want a sister or a brother? (Note: she always picks the second thing in the list, but I know she really wants a sister. This was a test. Sure enough...)

Addie: Brother. No! Sister. Girl!

Me: Oh, you want a little sister.

Addie: (thinks about this) No. Pony.

While Baby E2 does kick a lot, I don't think it's a horse. But I suppose time will tell.

And now Ads is ready for some attention...and I haven't even gotten to post pics yet! Oh well, I'm catching up, I suppose!


  1. You are too funny Tara and I love Addie's conversations. I am sorry you haven't been feeling well and will be praying for your blood pressure. I know how that is and hope that it lowers quickly!

  2. Thank you, Kristen! I appreciate the prayers and I know you know how scary high blood pressure can potentially be! Fortunately, it was just one bad day of puffiness and headache and fatigue. Addie is a funny bunny for sure, and you know Halle is headed in that direction. Such little personalities both our kids are!
