Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Stream O' Randomness

Raising a child tends to change your relationship to the English language. Some of it is a difference in how you interpret words and phrases. You quickly learn that "expressing yourself" has more to do with lactation than communication, and "sleeping in" means that your child slept past 7 AM. Some of it is a difference in how you speak. You will, at some point, inevitably speak in very simplified English (aka baby talk) to someone totally adult who will look at you like you are a pure fool. And some of it is the addition of new vocabulary words to your lexicon. For instance, there are at least four different regional words for a pacifier ...paci, binky, ninny, and nuk spring to mind. And you'll start to hear about things like "milestones", which I doubt anyone else has used in daily conversation since there were actually stones marking out the miles.

There are good and bad milestones. The good ones are fairly obvious; rolling over, first steps, first words, first solid foods. The bad ones are just as important, but not as fun to blog about; first tantrum, first time-out, first time Mom closed herself into a room and counted to 100 before emerging (wait, that's not a commonly accepted milestone? :-) ) We had a bad one this past weekend. Poor Ads had her first "sick visit" to the doctor and her first ear infection. In some ways, it's great that she made it to almostbutnotquitetwo before we had to take her in to a doctor. And an ear infection is pretty small potatoes in the whole realm of illness and "things that can go wrong", so I'm grateful for that.

But it was a rough weekend. Addie couldn't sleep for long periods of time unless she was being held and rocked. She couldn't settle into her normal routine and she refused to eat anything but macaroni and cheese for five straight meals. Including breakfasts. Poor little muffin.

Fortunately, she is on the mend now and we didn't have to give her antibiotics. We can still save those big guns for something...well...big. And we have a new appreciation for her sassy and independent little self. While it was nice to be able to cuddle so much, I'd rather have her be her normal self, strong opinions and all, and than be so obviously unhappy.

And in other random happenings, my house was completely and totally surrounded by crows yesterday morning. It was 6 AM and this incredible din filled the air, waking both Ads and I from a sound and much needed sleep (Tim was on call, but he probably wouldn't have woken up anyway!). Even one crow is noisy, right? Well, imagine hundreds. It was incredible. The trees in our neighborhood were filled with huge black birds fighting and shrieking at each other and generally acting like extras in a Hitchcock movie. Nothing says "This is going to be a great day" like hundreds of omens of doom circling around your house at daybreak.

Pregnancy wise, I am 34 weeks today! I think. I keep screwing up the week count and saying I'm a week farther ahead or behind than I actually am. Either way, I guess we're getting there. It's funny because I could tell you with great precision what week and day I was on with Addie's pregnancy. "How far along am I? Oh, I'd say about 34 weeks and 3 days, give or take an hour." I'm feeling pretty good, though I'm getting to that point of "OK, let's do this" pretty rapidly. My heartburn continues to rage. I've got yet another prescription this week, so we'll see how this goes. I was already on the stuff they give to people with ulcers, so now I'm on the stuff that they give to people who swallow fire for a living. My heartburn was just as bad with Addie but I never went the prescription route with her...I just kept a huge bottle of Maalox with me and swigged it constantly. Sick. But just as effective (or ineffective) as the pills thus far.

Now Miss Ads wants her SEARuhl...specifically her "Hoop Hoops" aka Fruit Loops, which she is only allowed once every few days. Of course, this doesn't stop her from asking for them every morning! And so the day begins...

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