Thursday, August 9, 2012

Conversations with Adelaide

Right now, my eldest child is howling like a banshee in her room. Why, you ask? I have no idea. This comes on the heels of my youngest howling like a banshee and of course the instant I get him settled for the night, Addie takes off. And yes, I do have a husband, but he's post call and is thus indisposed (aka sleeping so soundly that a brass band couldn't wake him, never mind a few crying kids).

And the night of "Hell no, we won't go!" bed protests is coming on the heels of a longer week in which we battled a virus that felled each of us like a tree for 48 hours, one right after the other.

All of which is to say that my idea of posting more is predicated upon a healthier and markedly happier household. In the meantime, here is a short collection of Addie conversations. I've been documenting these as the days go by, so it's a perfect post for tonight. Most of the work is already done! 

One day, mad at Graydon for clinging to a toy she wanted: 
Addie: Grady! You are NOT a snow princess ANYMORE. (Obviously the worst insult she could think of...) 

Me: Do you want to read a book together?
Addie: Yes.
Me: OK, how about Each Peach, Pear, Plum? (A long time favorite)
Me: Fine. Choose.
Addie: about this one?( holding out Each Peach Pear Plum)
Me: (sighing) Good choice.

During a torrential downpour
Addie: Mommy, WOOK! The rain is DANCING.

Me: Addie, please don't scratch your booty while you're eating.
Addie: (stares blankly at me)
Me: OK? Do you understand?
Addie: A Pig says "oink oink".
 Me: I'm going to take that as a "yes".

Me: (putting Addie in bed) I sure do love you.Addie: I wubb you, Mommy.
Me: I love you because you are my precious daughter.Why do you love me?
Addie: Because you are a biiiiiiiig huuuuuuuuge Mama.
Me: Um...thanks?

Disclaimer: This one only makes sense if you remember the first scene of Despicable Me. We were looking at Addie's favorite book about the architectural wonders of the world. We came to a full page spread of the Pyramids of Giza.
Me: Ads, do you remember what these are called?
I died laughing.

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