Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Goodbye, Jacksonville

I wasn't really anticipating getting IN the water, but they had other plans.

 I wish I had the time and wit to write a really profound post on our time in Jacksonville, but I seem to be short on both at the moment. There's packing, and crazy kids (chaos does that), and a dog with a "hot spot" aka a leg oozing matter, and just generally trying to close up shop here. And no matter how early I start, it will inevitably devolve into semi-frantic stuffing odds and ends into one last box.

Therefore, suffice it to say that I'm sad to be leaving. Everything about this place speaks to my heart in a way that's hard for me to articulate. I love the slightly-more-water-than-land ness of this place, and the warmth (oh my lawd, the WARMTH), and incredible, vivid, lush abundance of life here.

There are big things weighing me down right now, like no more watching my littles cavort in the waves (whether or not they are supposed to get wet) and ponder the immensity of the ocean. I will miss this more than I can say.

And probably no more runs with Mel and Cora and that's sad as heck to me. We finished our Couch to 5K program, and while I appreciate the ability to plod/run a few miles now, I appreciate getting to know Melissa better even more. She is such a generous and bright spirit and such a good friend. And while we are moving to same town, it won't be the same, because there's work and moving away and oh poop, everything changes, and that's great, but sometimes change is sad and great all at once.

And there are some little things grieving me too. No more "diamonds on the soles of our shoes" or feet.

And no more immense trees shawled in Spanish moss.

This tree is what I look at while I'm at the gas station. I love it, don't ask me why.
Before I start sobbing, I'm going to change tactics and stop posting pictures of my favorite things. OK, topic change starting right about...NOW! (For you, Des and Jordan). 

The good news is that moving back to Rochester will certainly hold some good things for us. Like watching Graydon and Addie continue to grow as people and as friends.

And seeing our other friends again, and our house, and having a yard for our dogs, and, oh lots of things. All the good "it's our place" things. 

As sad as I am to be going, I'm so glad that we had this time here in Jacksonville to stretch out and just enjoy life for a few months. We made new friends, explored new places, and fell just a little bit more in love with our family and our country.

Thanks for the memories, Jax.


  1. Love it...It's SO HARD to leave there! Wishing you safe travels. We'll see y'all back in the frozen tundra!

  2. aw shucks Tara now you went and made me cry!! See you back in the Roch!
