Friday, May 31, 2013

Chasing Rainbows

It has rained here every day now for the last 15 days.

You must be thinking "Oh great, another blog entry to complain about the weather." But au contraire, mon frere, I am delighted that it is raining because rain is not snow. It could be worse. It could be SO MUCH worse.

Still, incessant rain does sometimes leave one feeling pent up and restless, particularly if one has three small children under four to entertain. 

What to do in such a situation?

You pretty quickly figure out that it is useless to curse the weather. 

Blast you, sun! Show yourself!

You can steal a few moments between showers to play outside.

Covered in mud at the Brogans house

Or you can chase down the light.

That's the maddening thing about storms. You know there is always light somewhere, it's just hidden from your view. Or it's just barely out of reach.

You know that if you wait long enough, good things will eventually come to you. Nothing bad lasts forever, and the sun always returns.  But I've found that you can get to the good parts faster if you work, if you throw yourself into the pursuit with passion and vigor and effort. 

And in the process of pursuit, I think you sometimes come to love the struggle. And the bad stuff? Sometimes even those things become dear to you.

Last night, Tim and I loaded the kids and the dogs into the car and we pursued the light and in the process we found out that actually really love shades of grey.


So while I will definitely be thrilled when the sun comes back...and I'm assuming that it will...for now, I am kind of loving the clouds.

And I know I'm venturing deep into "Put this on an old fashioned postcard and post it to Pinterest" territory here, but without rain, we wouldn't have any rainbows. And last night, I realized that I love chasing rainbows with my family.

 In the words of my daughter "That was a berry cool addbenture, Mom." I agree, Ads. I agree.

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