My sister (Des) was famous (in our family) for starting nearly every sentence (for a time) with the phrase, "You know, just your basic..."
So I now borrow her phrase to describe our May so far. Because, really, it's been pretty normal. Just your basic May.
We're doing all the things one does in May.
Grilling out.
Sixteen inches of snow. In May. |
Enjoying the new spring greenery.
Sixteen inches. |
Playing on the slide.
Did I mention that it's May?
When one is
trapped spends any amount of time indoors with small children
due to freakishly inclement weather and a refusal to put snow tires on in May for any reason you find yourself stretching out normal activities and doing things at odd times. You find yourself thinking "Surely it's time to start the evening routine. Oh wait, it's only 10 AM."
Still, you're ready for a bubble bath? Why not?
Addie is not a fan of a mere bath. She only wants to take a 'nice warm cozy bath". |
Graydon is my splasher. Unsurprising. |
Wet little kiddie eyelashes are the best. |
Dress up? Yes. Let's do this. All of us.
You would expect Sydney and Addie to enjoy tutus, right? |
Bet you didn't expect that Graydon would also love some tutu time. |
But he does enjoy a good game of Ring Around the Rosies in a nice skirt. |
And why not? |
What else do we really have to do? |
Tutu cute, if you ask me. Love this punkin. |
Love this sweet little muffin too. |
And also this one. Sweet outfit, Ads. |
Want to stick your head through a cat door? Absolutely, kids. Absolutely.
Good clean fun. |
Graydon kept trying to either a) shove her out of the cat door |
or b) pull her through it by her hair |
Lots of movies have been watched whilst consuming highly processed
snacks. Listen, don't judge unless you too have been snow bootin' it in
Chilling. Literally chilling. |
Fortunately, the snow has finally all melted. Not without first flooding our basement, but hey...the good news is that this single snowfall was so wet that it solved the drought in SE MN. So a wet basement floor is not too high a price to pay for a nice high water table.
And, much like denizens of the Arctic Circle, now that we are becoming reacquainted with that glowing orb some call the "Sun", we are ready to celebrate. And we may never spend a daylight hour inside until snow once again forces us indoors. So, I'm thinking we've got until at least September, and I plan to make the most of it.
We're more than ready to turn over our soil and grow some stuff around here. Bye bye Old Man Winter. Don't hurry back!
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