Mmmm...powdered sugar doughnuts for Sunday breakfast. Her expression is so "Why are you taking my picture this early, lady?"
A family walk at Quarry Hills. Well, Tim and I walked. Addie ran.
My favorite series from the day
This one is so Addie, it makes me laugh out loud. What joy!
My sweet little girl
In other Ewald family news, I have to laugh at my little "journey to domestic goddess-hood" tag up on the top there. That was always firmly "tongue in cheek", but it seems even funnier now...given that I just got a job, that is.
The job itself is nothing too spectacular or demanding. I'm now an "internet evaluator", which is basically exactly what it sounds like. I work from home, make my own schedule, and I basically conduct searches for this company and rate tasks for them. They have a huge book of guidelines and I'm still learning their coding process. All of my free time in the past week or so was spent 1)applying to this job, 2) taking the 8 hour exam for this job, and 3) setting up my computer and accounts for this job after I got it. So that partially explains my delay in blogging.
If you're wondering "Why?", I think this is God's way of telling me not to even attempt to go for domestic goddess territory. I'm going to have to be content with domestic mortal, I'm afraid. :-) No, in all seriousness, this was something I wanted to do to supplement our family's income and to close my resume gap, just a little bit. And it's a nice compromise between a "real" job and my commitment to being with our little ones while they're so young.
And I do still plan to pursue my self designed curriculum for becoming a better cook, a greener cleaner, and a craftier mama but it's going to have to be at a slower pace. So I'll redesign that and I'll share it with you all. Or at least that's my plan.
The other delay in blogging has been that we all got our first nasty cold of the season. Poor Addie looks like she's wearing a mask these days. A nice balaclava composed of...well, you can guess. Girlfriend hates getting her nose wiped, but also hates having a runny nose. The kinda sorta funny thing is that she's learned how to blow her nose, which is great! "What could be bad about that?", you wonder. Well, she likes to seize any random piece of material that's towels, washcloths, my pants, the couch cushions...and really go for it. She blows her nose with gusto, I'll say that for her. I have to laugh even when I'm really freakin' frustrated with the smears o snot everywhere. We're working on that.
As for as Baby E2 goes, he or she is kicking right along. I myself feel totally exhausted from being sick, but it doesn't seem to have gotten Little Nugget down a bit. This pumpkin is still doing its calisthenics on the regular, which I love. Poor Tim is probably tired of me insisting that he have his hand on my stomach for many long minutes at a time to marvel at yet another kick/stretch/roll. It just doesn't get old to me.
Even though we have three more months to go before E2 makes an appearance, I've already washed and hung up all the baby neutrals and dragged the baby girl stuff into a handy place...just in case. We've got a lot of moving to do to get things settled. The office is coming out into our new office space, the guest room is moving to the old office, and Adelaide is moving to the old guest room. The baby is going into Addie's nursery. I've got my "concept" for Addie's new room down, which I'll share at a later date. I just need OTS to end so that I can get my husband back and we can actually do some of our projects!
Totally with you on the "I just need OTS to end" comment. I have all these plans of boxing up stuff we won't need for a while to get the house both ready selling and the new baby. Sometimes work really gets in the way of life. :)